It’s not even October yet

And we’ve seen the usual onslaught of Halloween merchandise, along with ever new product tie-ins and themed advertising. It has pervaded the culture on…what?…all levels it seems. In recent years, Christians have worried about this proliferation of creepy displays in stores and on lawns, these ubiquitous celebrations of the dark creatures and evil spirits and their realm–all in the name of ‘fun.’ It has grown to be one of the most celebrated seasonal ‘holidays’ in America.

The celebration — and the worry — have traveled across the pond.

The Manchester Evening News reports that a bishop of the Church of England is speaking up, and recommending alternatives.

The Bishop of Bolton has called on Britain’s biggest retailers to offer children a “positive” alternative to Halloween.

The Rt Rev David Gillett believes supermarkets are cashing in on the festival by packing shelves with scary masks, witches’ hats and skeleton costumes. He has written to Britain’s five biggest retail chains asking them to stock alternatives, such as bright balloons and hair braids, to give families a choice.

He insists he is no killjoy, but says parents should not be pressured into buying goods promoting the “dark, negative side of Halloween”.

Many supermarket chains have already set up Halloween displays, and the October 31 event has become an important part of their sales strategy.

People have been sold, alright. Some folks have so much fun with it, they have elaborate festivities. And that’s what the good bishop is addressing.

The Church of England has encouraged Christians to hold “bright parties” at Halloween so children can have fun by celebrating All Saints Day – the day after Halloween.

A lot of Christians are doing that here, and the trend is increasing. Catholic schools and churches hold parties for young children to dress up as their favorite saint, and still have all the fun while avoiding the dark side.

In his letter, Mr Gillett wrote: “I am worried that Halloween has the potential to trivialise the realities of evil in the world and occult practices should not be condoned, even if they are only being presented in a caricatured, light-hearted form.

“We in the Church want everyone to be able to have an enjoyable time at Halloween, which is why people need to consider the impact of their behaviour on neighbours.

“It is why we want supermarkets to take a responsible position over products they promote for celebrating the event. It’s high time we reclaimed the Christian aspects of Halloween.”

Now here’s an interesting idea they have. For 16 years now, Christians in Rossendale, England have organized a Halloween celebration they call “Nite-Lite.” Anybody up for starting that here?

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