Be ahead of the media
Simple question: Why would anyone not want to know the truth? The answer must be when then stand to gain from believing lies and distortions. It’s the “I’ve made up my mind, don’t confuse me with the truth” syndrome.
In that piece on the “pro-choice” movement (below) by Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman, she refers to pro-life activists as “usual suspects” and suggests their claims amount to “drama…unencumbered by facts.”
That would more aptly describe the “pro-choice” movement of which she is a part, along with a sizeable complicit media. In South Dakota, they pretty much chose to ignore the depth and weight of the 71 page abortion task force report delivered to Governor Mike Rounds last December, and the resulting law, and fight it in the public arena.
Good. Let the public be informed. The story, summarized and updated, is in the newest issue of Voices magazine. Full disclosure here: yes, I’m the author. I’ve worked longer and harder on this story than most journalists. Just read the piece and follow the facts.
And if you know anybody in South Dakota, please send them the facts before the November election. Because the only way that referendum against the “Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Law” could win is if the disinformation campaign steaming its way across the state is successful. That’s not just. Victory should be won on truth.