Supreme Court ruling
The editors and publisher of the National Catholic Register are running a series on the Supreme Court decision to uphold the ban on partial birth abortion to thoroughly educate people about the procedure. The very clear, precise and graphic language of Justice Kennedy’s opinion in the ruling does this more incisively than any debate or argument could. This is the clarity we need, to be honest.
To launch the series, they ran an editorial called “E-Mail This Editorial“, because spreading awareness through a grassroots campaign has become the de facto, proven force for change, not just here, but around the world.
This e-mail will present no ideology, show no partisan preference, and make no religious-based argument. It will simply quote the Supreme Court’s Gonzales v. Carhart decision, including the words of a doctor and a nurse.
But it will be difficult to read. In fact, we would never dream of printing it at all if we weren’t profoundly aware that we are at a turning point in history.
…we do think that America is ready to confront an ugly practice going on in our own day — even if it’s difficult to read about.
Here is a true description of the practice in the Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy in its recent case Gonzales v. Carhart.
What follows is an explicitly thorough, graphic detailed description of partial birth abortion, along with the exquisite explanation of law and its intent by Justice Kennedy. Read it, and pass it on.