A battle won this day
Today is the anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Lepanto.
The Holy League credited the victory to the Virgin Mary, whose intercession with God they had implored for victory through the use of the Rosary. Pius V instituted a new Catholic feast day of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate the battle, which is now celebrated by the Catholic Church as the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
G.K. Chesteton devoted a well-known poem to this momentous event.
At World Net Daily, MJ Anderson has a piece about its significance.
Europe’s Holy League was an allied fleet of the Knights of Malta, Spanish, Venetian and Papal ships assembled by Pope Pius the V. The famous Don Juan of Austria, assisted by equally famous Andrea Dorian, led the Holy League. Maritime historians note that the Battle of Lepanto was the last of the great sea battles between oared vessels, and the largest battle since the Battle of Actium in 30 B.C.
Hopefully, Benedict’s visit to Turkey next month will make history with a new era of dialogue and reciprocal goodwill. Don’t look at the odds on that, just remember that October is the month of the rosary, for good reason.