A British row

Whoever published this story, or at least the photo with it, does not like Jack Straw. He’s the British Leader of the Commons, and he stirred up what the Brits refer to as a ‘row’ by saying Muslim women shouldn’t wear the veil there, especially when they’re in dialogue with an MP.

Mr Straw sparked the row yesterday when he said that he asks visitors to his constituency surgery to remove their veils because he feels uncomfortable talking to someone whose face he cannot see. His remarks triggered fury from some Islamic groups but today, far from backing down, Mr Straw went further by saying he would prefer it if Muslim women never covered up.

…their faces, he means. And I’m not sure what a “constituency surgery” is, but his main issue is not being able to talk ‘face to face.’

And Tony Blair backed his right to speak his mind after Mr Straw stoked up the row by saying the veil was a barrier to good race relations.

Mr Straw’s statement that Muslim women should not have to cover their faces brought fierce criticism from some Muslim groups. But Muslim peer Baroness Uddin said there was a need for a “measured debate” and that the nation should “also consider the status of Muslim women in this country”.

The Baroness added: “I think it’s about human rights on both sides – Jack’s right to say and the women’s right to wear what they please.”

Now there’s a start to a reasoned dialogue. Sometimes these big rows just lack common sense.

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