A cardinal reminder about rights and freedom

Today is Respect Life Sunday, and though there are all sorts of good sites out there filled with pro-life resources, the people who already ‘get’ that message are the ones most likely to continue to seek more of it….which is great. That’s how awareness campaigns grow and hearts and minds are changed.

How to reach people who don’t want to read those resources or hear the message? Especially Catholics who pick and choose which Church teachings to live by, believing they have the right and reason to reject others? Especially when they use social justice concerns as a valid excuse to accept abortion.

They don’t understand it’s not an either/or proposition, and that ultimate social justice – as the Jesuit U.S. Province teaches in its statement (here’s a shorter form of it) – depends on the right to life for all human persons (recalling here that ‘life’ from conception – even from fertilization in a petri dish – is of some species, and the ‘species homo sapiens’ is human life).

Many people who see themselves as social activists are admirers of former Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. The Priests for Life website has this statement from Cardinal Bernardin about Respect Life Sunday, and it should be widely read by everyone concerned about social justice, civil rights, human dignity and the truth about freedom.

We Americans cherish freedom. To act on our own judgments and enjoy the responsible use of freedom accords more with human dignity than does being pressured or coerced into action by outside forces. Personal freedom enables us, in harmony with others, to pursue those goods and values which enhance and enable human lives.

It is good to keep in mind, though, that freedom is not an absolute value. At times some, in their exercise of personal freedom, diminish the freedom and dignity of others. At other times, vulnerable groups in society need their personal freedoms protected. In both, government has an obligation to limit one group’s use of its freedom so another group may legitimately exercise its freedom.

He uses an illustration of government providing special helps and protections to persons with disabilities, to make the point.

The pursuit of values associated with the human spirit is the purpose of freedom. Protection of these same values is the justification for restricting personal liberty.

Not all values, however, are of equal weight. Some are more fundamental than others. On this Respect Life Sunday, I wish to emphasize that no earthly value is more fundamental than human life itself. Human life is the condition for enjoying freedom and all other values. Consequently, if one must choose between protecting or serving lesser human values that depend upon life for their existence and life itself, human life must take precedence.

Today the recognition of human life as a fundamental value is threatened. Nowhere is this clearer than in the case of elective abortion. At present in our country this procedure takes the lives of over 4,000 unborn children every day and over 1.5 million each year.

Some, though admittedly a small minority, even favor abortion for the purpose of eliminating a child that is not the sex desired by the mother or both parents. Such a decision gives more weight to gender preference than to life itself. Yet, this is permitted under our nation’s current legal policy virtually allowing abortion on demand.

Others, though increasingly a minority give, higher priority to the freedom of teenage girls to abort their children without their parents knowledge or consent than they do the value of the human lives these young women carry within them. Overcoming fear, embarrassment and inconvenience, or concern about not interrupting one’s career plans are value often cited in justifying elective abortion. Giving precedence to these values to justify abortion ignores the priority of the more fundamental value, namely life itself.

The primary intention of the consistent ethic of life, as I have articulated it over the past six years, is to raise consciousness about the sanctity and reverence of all human life from conception to natural death. The more one embraces this concept, the more sensitive one becomes to the value of human life itself at all stages. This is why this year’s Respect Life observance, whose program is shaped by the consistent ethic of life, includes, in addition to abortion, such topics as euthanasia, the Church and technology, violence in our culture, the changing American family, and the Church’s concern for the elderly.

This consistent ethic points out the inconsistency of defending life in one area while dismissing it in another. Each specific issue requires its own moral analysis and each may call for varied, specific responses. Moreover different issues may engage the energies of different people or of the same people at different times. But there is a linkage among all the life issues which cannot be ignored.

He notes that Court decisions focus the debate sharply, but the consistent ethic of life brings clarity to that debate.

For the more one reverences human life at all stages, the more one becomes committed to preserving the life of the unborn, for this is human life at its earliest and most vulnerable stage. And the more one is committed to preserving the life of the unborn, the one more one appreciates their need for constitutional protection.

There are those who support abortion on demand who do not grasp or will not discuss the intrinsic value of human life and the precedence it should take in decision making. The issue – the only issue – they insist, is the question of who decides — the individual or the government.

Who decides is not the issue. We all decide, but we make our free decisions within limits. In exercising our freedom, we must not make ourselves the center of the world. Other individuals born and unborn are as much a part of the human family as we are.

On this Respect Life Sunday I invite reflection on our free choices and the values which really are worth pursuing. I encourage a deeper appreciation for the freedom we have and how it enables us to achieve selfhood in harmony with others, particularly the weak and vulnerable whose dignity as persons may not be as clearly in evidence. In short, I exhort you to decide for life.

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