A timely topic
Corruption is ever present, somewhere, and always good to shine the light on in hopes of breaking through it. Right now, what with election season, a war on terrorism, rogue foreign leaders threatening to use their power against anyone they don’t like, it’s a good topic to raise. The Vatican did.
Today, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published a note entitled “The Fight Against Corruption”…
The note specifies that the Church “can have an evermore relevant role in the prevention of corruption, efficiently contributing to the moral education and formation of citizens, especially with the fundamental principles of her social doctrine: the dignity of the human person, the common good, solidarity, subsidiarity, a preferential option towards the poor, the universal destination of goods”.
Now there’s a good platform for a political party to stand on this November. And politicians should take note of the power of a succinct, pithy, unapologetic message.
As stated in the International Conference in June, the Note by this Dicastery repeats that “the fight against corruption is a value, but also a need; corruption is an evil, but also a cost; refusing corruption is a good, but also an advantage; abandoning corrupt actions may generate development and well-being; honest attitudes should be promoted, the dishonest ones punished”.
Where to begin?