Abortion activists may not be in the majority

….but they hold or influence positions of considerable power. Look how they’re wielding the club now.

At the United Nations, pro-life forces intellectually and diplomatically battle abortion forces constantly, much of it centered around the wording of UN declarations on the rights of particular groupings of human beings. Last year, C-Fam presented 467,000 names at and to the UN on the Petition for the Unborn Child and the Family. The campaign raised the awareness of the unborn child within the context of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights….because it takes that kind of activism to state the obvious.

Now, C-Fam has launched a new petition with a goal of presenting 1 million names to the UN General Assembly this December. And they must all be new names, no repeat signers. C-Fam sent out a notice today saying they “have been told that International Planned Parenthood Federation has launched a new petition drive in favor of a right to abortion and that their petition has already been signed by 150,000 people.” They’re hoping for hundreds of thousands of respondents to this petition. They will present the petition to the UN this December.

On a more local level but nonetheless insidious….

Chicago abortion providers, led by Planned Parenthood, are pressuring the Chicago City Council to adopt a new “bubble zone” ordinance that would prohibit pro-life advocates from coming within eight feet of any person approaching an abortion clinic. The proposed ordinance was passed by the Human Relations committee last week, and could be voted on by the City Council as early as this week.

Pro-life counselors are saving women and their unborn children from the devastation of abortion every week by talking personally with women outside abortion clinics. The “bubble zone” would eliminate this civil right, and the compassionate outreach of the pregnancy help counselors, by threatening them with a $500 fine for simply trying to talk to a woman about her right to choose life for her baby, giving her options she didn’t know she had.

“The fact that the abortionists are trying so hard to stop sidewalk counseling is a powerful sign of how effective it is”, said Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League.

They’re coming at abortion laws every which way they can.

Which is why the Pope takes every opportunity he has to reinforce the message that universal human rights always and everywhere includes….all human beings.

“The pope said he hoped the relationship between the Holy See and the United States would “continue to be marked by fruitful dialogue and cooperation in the promotion of human dignity, respect for fundamental human rights” and the “cultivation of the values of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'”

“I think particularly of the need for a clear discernment with regard to issues touching the protection of human dignity and respect for the inalienable right to life from the moment of conception to natural death,” he said.

Benedict urged [US Vatican ambassador Miguel] Diaz to promote “the protection of the right to conscientious objection on the part of health care workers, and indeed all citizens.”

“The Church insists on the unbreakable link between an ethics of life and every other aspect of social ethics,” he reminded the Obama supporter.

The pontiff reminded Diaz of the words of the late Pope John Paul II, who said, “a society lacks solid foundations when, on the one hand, it asserts values such as the dignity of the person, justice and peace, but then, on the other hand, radically acts to the contrary by allowing or tolerating a variety of ways in which human life is devalued and violated, especially where it is weak or marginalized.”

What an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feel that all has. Those who deign to stand for ‘common ground’ and ‘the common good’ and civil rights and justice…..distorting the language to cover their promotion of killing unborn babies.

“The National Catholic Register complained about Diaz and abortion after the Senate confirmed him to the ambassador position.

“The Catholic theology professor’s beliefs regarding the life issues and other moral issues, where President Barack Obama’s stances differ sharply with Church teachings, remain something of a cipher,” it said.

The newspaper said it appears that Diaz “is a proponent of Obama’s ‘common ground’ approach on the life issues, which in practice consists of implementing pro-abortion policies and appointing pro-abortion personnel to key positions while proclaiming rhetorically that Obama would like to see the number of abortions reduced through the implementation of social policies that allegedly would discourage abortions.”

George Orwell’s newspeak is alive and active on the highest levels of international power.

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