Adventures in wonderland

Dr. Death announced that he’s running for elected office last week. That’s jarring enough to the sensibilities. Now the man who helped at least 130 commit suicide is being praised on The View.

Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, longtime hosts of the chatty television program “The View,” praised Jack Kevorkian in a recent episode. Following news that Kevorkian has planned a Congressional bid, they praised him for killing more than 130 people in assisted suicides and murdering a disabled patient…

Goldberg said she’s a “big fan” of Kevorkian “because he believed that he could help people who were in, in a place where no one was helping them.”

“Euthanasia, like race, is one of those things nobody wants to talk about. It makes people very uncomfortable. I think euthanasia is, is an important thing and it should be there for people to make that decision if they chose to,” she said.

Goldberg did not mention her belief about involuntary euthanasia, where patients are frequently killed by family members or medical staff without their knowledge or consent.

Joy Behar wondered: “Why is he a bad guy? I don’t understand it…it’s over my head somewhere.”

Does anybody do research for these people before they go before American audiences?

Here’s some help, some real help: TerrisFight, Not Dead Yet, and Wesley J. Smith, just for starters. 

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