Advice for reporters
Specifically, those who use the term ‘religious right’. Especially in reference to the current health care debate.
Maybe ‘religious right’ doesn’t quite describe the alliance of faith-based people working for moral social policies.
How about “Christian right� That’s better. But that would really need to include conservative Catholics, the Orthodox, morally conservative (but perhaps economically progressive) Evangelicals, lots of hard-to-label Anglicans, etc. And how about the Latino charismatics and traditional Catholics? How about, on many issues, the African-American church? And, while we are at it, these people lean to the right on what issues?
Good question. The WaPo article snip is a good example.
The story has excellent sources and great quotes. But once again you have to ask: Who are these people? Where are the Catholics, who have offered some interesting comments on health control. How about African-American churches? Are they all on board with President Barack Obama on this one? Are some of them in the “Christian right,†while others are not?
I think the link here to abortion is accurate and crucial. But anyone who has followed this story carefully knows that that is one of several religion-rooted issues on the big plate called health-care reform.
Agreement on health care reform is far more possible and likely if Congress, the president and the media would actually focus on what these ‘other’ voices are saying.
That’s my main point for reporters right now. Look at the wider spectrum and tell us (a) who is opposed to all health-care reform, (b) who genuinely backs health-care reform, yet is opposed to some elements of the current plan and (c) who actually backs the Obama plan, or has been given a wink and a nod that the compromise plan will be acceptable to them.
This story tells us quite a bit about the impact of the health-care wars on the white, Evangelical, Protestant, pro-Republican, so-called “Christian right.†But who, pray tell, is talking to the Blue Dog Democrats?
Those who are really seeking compromise and the true common good.