An article you won’t see in the mainstream
And by the way, why are they called “mainstream”? I think it’s because they all tend to swim one way, as fish do, or run one way as in a pack or a herd of animals. That’s how they derive power, from the strength in numbers.
But what happens when some of the prominent members of these groups start peeling off and heading in another direction?
That’s what happened with Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former big time abortionist, and Norma McCorvey, who was Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade. In the CNA article on Ms. magazine’s cover story about abortion (see post below), a CNA reader posted a very interesting suggestion for a more compelling, and honest, story on abortion in this country.
There is a major glaring omission from this Ms. Magazine cover story. The name of the woman in this glaring omission is Jane Roe. If Ms. Magazine really wants to be taken seriously they should publish a story about Jane Roe of Roe versus Wade for her amazing conversion and total opposition to abortion and the pro-abortion movement that basically used her as the poster girl to legalize abortion in that infamous 1973 decision in Roe versus Wade. Ms. Magazine should feature Jane Roe in a future issue with her on the front page cover asking the question in bold letters: Why Jane Roe now opposes abortion? Now that would make for a compelling and fascinating story! I would even buy that issue if Ms. Magazine were to publish a story about Jane Roe’s opposition to the pro-abortion movement.
And scrutinizing the story even more…
That Ms. Magazine has only collected 1,000 signatures and only expects to get about 5,000 women who are pleased with their abortions shows how weak their position and movement really is considering close to 50,000,000 women have had abortions in the US since it became legal in 1973.Â
Now that’s applying critical thinking skills. The reasoned argument puts a lie to the abortion movement. Check out the ways to help make that argument, and make a difference.