Another Obama appointee in trouble
Let’s see…..there are already calls for the firing or resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Attorney General Eric Holder, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel…
Now it’s an advisor on Faith-Based matters. Who blasted the Pope.
“Vatican defenders are calling for the resignation of a religious adviser to President Obama who this week reiterated a charge made last March that Pope Benedict XVI hurt people “in the name of Jesus” when the pontiff suggested that condom use increases the spread of AIDS in Africa.
“The St. Michael Society, devoted to defending the pope, is distributing a petition calling for the resignation of Harry Knox from the president’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.”
Especially since he repeated his criticism of Pope Benedict.
“That sparked a renewed recall effort by the St. Michael Society. Director Pat Looby told Whispers: “It is astonishing that someone who is appointed by the president to serve on an Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships would perpetuate two all-out attacks on the pope, saying he was harming people in the name of Jesus.
“These comments demonstrate Mr. Knox’s prejudice and open hostility towards Catholics and their religious leader and should disqualify him from public service in an organization that ‘will work on behalf of Americans committed to improving their communities, no matter their religious or political beliefs.'”
… long as that organization doesn’t decide it dislikes a particular teaching from a religious leader.
Oh, and there’s another one….Obama’s new pick for his ‘Council of Governors’ to advise him on “military activities in the United States.” Missouri’s Jeremiah Nixon was the one who “last year linked conservative organizations to domestic terrorism and said law enforcement officers should watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers from Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin.”
Yeah, gotta watch out for those Ron Paul supporters. And those suspicious conservative, Christian, abortion-opponent types. They believe in things like community subsidiarity, state’s rights, and minimal government interference, among other radical ideas.
“Los Angeles Times blogger Andrew Malcolm poked fun at the announcement, writing Obama “has determined that, a) there is an insufficient number of advisory bodies among the gazillion already in existence for the federal government in general and said president and his White House specifically.”
“Obama also, Malcolm said, “chooses to ignore the existence of the National Governors Assn., the Republican Governors Assn., the Democratic Governors Assn. and the secure telephones within arms-reach of virtually everywhere said president chooses to sit and/or recline.”
“Ultimately, he said, Obama has decided, “One more meaningless advisory body probably couldn’t hurt anything, and might actually look good.”
Especially to other embattled apppointees who may be relieved if the attention shifts from them for a while.