Another primary day for Democrats. Where do things stand?
We can pluck a few observations from political expert Michael Barone’s assessment over at NROÂ and get the current picture.
Clinton and Obama have split the Democrats into rival tribes — blacks versus Latinos, young versus old, upscale versus downscale, Kennedys versus Clintons. They may eventually smooth over their differences as Democrats have before. But right now, the Clinton and Obama campaigns’ paths seem headed in a direction dangerously close to the intraparty equivalent of the 2000 Florida controversy.
Democratic voters in contests to come and Democratic super delegates may want to select the candidate with the best chance of winning. But that’s a difficult assignment. Hillary Clinton polarizes general election voters right down the middle, which means (a) she can win and (b) she can lose. Barack Obama, with his soaring rhetoric about what unites Americans, has a higher upside potential but also, with his lack of experience, a lower downside potential, as well. Look for a long and harrowing contest.
It has been nothing but, and getting more so. This is a fascinating race, and a great and historic example of democracy in action.