Beautiful chaos
Ever since I heard a most poignant story many years ago about a young woman, wife and mother, whose life ended much too young and her husband referring to something she saved ‘for special occasions’ by saying ‘every day you’re alive is a special occasion’…I have repeated that story and that lesson and tried to live it.
There are so many ways to learn it. Happy surprise it was to see it on a friend’s blog telling the story of a small, vulnerable life in the hands of the most loving and grateful parents, who cherished every moment of every day with him. Along the way of watching his story, I felt tears instinctively responding to the storytelling of the father doing the narration, the incredible fortitude and invicible love these young parents intuitively had for their son.
And then it turned. And I cried.
Thanks for the witness to the dignity of human life. What exquisite love.