Before he tries to regulate anything…
Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein needs to learn some facts of life.
There is no moral concern regarding cloning human beings since human embryos, which develop into a baby, are “only a handful of cells,” argued President Obama’s newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein.
“If scientists will be using and cloning embryos only at a very early stage when they are just a handful of cells (say, before they are four days old), there is no good reason for a ban (on cloning),” wrote Sunstein, who was confirmed by the Senate…
“It is silly to think that ‘potential’ is enough for moral concern.
And it’s scary to think that someone with these views is now controlling federal regulations.
The Senate last week confirmed Sunstein as Obama’s administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs overcoming months of delay due to Republican concerns that he would push a radical animal-rights agenda.
Concerns well-founded…
In the footnotes to a 2002 academic paper for Harvard University, “The Rights of Animals: A Very Short Primer,” Sunstein expresses his approval of [Jeremy]Â Bentham’s arguments:
“I suggest that Bentham and Mill were not wrong to offer an analogy between current uses of animals and human slavery,” he wrote.
Several other works by Sunstein, including his books, quote approvingly of Bentham’s statements comparing adult dogs and horses to human infants.
In the Harvard paper, Sunstein even suggests animals could be granted the right to sue humans in court.
“We could even grant animals a right to bring suit without insisting that animals are in some general sense ‘persons,’ or that they are not property,” he wrote.
And now he has the power to act on these ideas.
Quick….somebody at least give him a medical textbook, or the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on when life begins.