Beware the new fraud

The cultural elite — whoever they are — are always out to disassemble the Christian faith, and the media help a lot during the Christmas and Easter seasons. It’s inevitable, and Phil Lawler over at CWNews sounds the alert about the latest jaw-dropper.

The nonsense is starting early this year.

Every year now, as Easter approaches, the media lavish attention on some sensational new theory, advanced to undermine the claims of Christian faith. Sometimes these new theories come from writers with appropriate academic credentials, and sometimes the theorists themselves claim to be Christians, even while they contradict basic Christian beliefs.

Not this year. “The Lost Tomb of Christ,” a television special to be aired by the Discovery Channel on March 4, has not a wisp of credibility. This is a blatant effort to generate publicity and profits by challenging fundamental Christian beliefs, using a preposterous argument that no respectable scholar will endorse.

The program (I cannot make myself call it a documentary) thrusts directly at the heart of Christian faith, questioning the Resurrection. The Discovery Channel will encourage credulous viewers to believe that archeologists have discovered a tomb containing the physical remains of Jesus Christ and members of his family.

If this claim is true– that Jesus did not rise from the dead– then Christianity is a false religion. As St. Paul explained to the Corinthians (1 Cor 15: 17-19):

If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.

On what basis does the Discovery Channel ask us to believe that Christians– who presumably will compose the greater part of the audience for this program– are “of all men most to be pitied?”

Works like “The DaVinci Code” and “The Gospel of Judas” prove that an enterprise does not need a factual or credible basis to launch an attack on Christianity and get undue attention. But attention is not scrutiny, and all these projects contrived as revelations require scrutiny. Start with the facts underlying this fantastical tale.

In a burial vault in Jerusalem, archeologists discovered ossuaries containing the remains of several people who apparently lived at the time of Christ. The boxes were marked with names, including Mary, Judah, and Joseph. On one box the name was illegible, but it might have read: “Jesus.”

When this burial vault was discovered in 1980– that’s right, 27 years ago– the discovery drew no particular attention. There was no reason to believe that this tomb contained the remains of the Lord’s family. Indeed there were several excellent reasons to believe that it did not.

The names on the ossuaries were extremely common ones; the tomb might have belonged to any affluent family living in Jerusalem. But Jesus was born into a poor family from Nazareth, not an affluent family from Jerusalem.

Moreover, historians confirm that from the earliest days of the faith, Christians honored a site near Calvary– at the spot where the Church of the Holy Sepulchre now stands– as the place where Jesus was interred after the Crucifixion. The tomb that is the focus of the Discovery special is located in an entirely different part of the city.

Are self-proclaimed experts of the 21st century more likely to identify the spot of Christ’s tomb accurately than those who witnessed the burial? That’s what we would have to believe, to take this argument seriously.

It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Viewers beware.

The Discovery Channel special adorns the bare, unpromising facts about the tomb in Jerusalem with a complex network of unproven theories…

Who is responsible for such a stunning leap of logic?

“The Lost Tomb of Christ” is the work of two men: James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici. Let’s take a glance at their credentials.

Cameron is a successful film director, who gave us Titanic and The Terminator. He is also a fan of science fiction, a member of the Mars Society (dedicated to colonization of that planet), and a man who admits that he cannot properly weigh the claims of his own program. “I’m not a theologist,” Cameron told reporters. The word is “theologian,” but Cameron isn’t someone who worries about details.

“Theologist”? That’s embarrassing, for the director of a supposedly stunning revelation about the roots of Christianity. But wait…he’s not the heavyweight. 

 In making this film, Cameron relied on Jacobovici.

So what’s Simcha Jacobovici’s background? 

“Simcha has no credibility whatsoever,” the curator of Jerusalem’s Rockefeller Museum told Newsweek. Unlike Cameron, Jacobovici is not entirely new to the business of archeological discovery; he has a track record. In 2002, he was instrumental in preparing another Discovery special, about what was alleged to be the tomb of “James, the brother of Jesus.”

Remember that?

Then as now, legitimate archeologists were skeptical about the discovery that Jacobovici touted. Finally in 2005, Israeli authorities exposed the “tomb of James” as a fraud, and indicted five people on charges of forgery.

But did that scandal ever catch up to the original audience (or exposure) of the Discovery special on James? No. Corrections hardly ever catch up to mistakes in the media. 

Somehow these two men– one with no expertise whatever, the other with a history of promoting an antiquities scam– convinced the Discovery Channel to invest $3.5 million in their program. Do you suppose that you and I could convince Discovery to invest a similar sum in a project to undermine public belief in, say, global warming?

I seriously doubt it. But I’ll tell you what. One of my colleagues and I are working on an investigative report we think is perfect for the Discovery Channel, and compelling for viewers. And it would only take a meager fraction of that investment for them to give it the nod. I’ll let you know what they say when the time comes.

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  • I’ve written a comprehensive rebuttal to claims and evidence of this film. Please read it and decide for yourself.

    You will find it at

  • Hello. Perhaps others have mentioned this, but to say again in “the Tomb” that Jesus did not die on the cross (Romans crucified to kill, not to give a hard time) really is to revive the well-disproven “Swoon theory.” What inevitably comes next is that all but one disciple died a martyrs death for something they knew to not be true. To entertain this new swoon theory is to deny the vast body of evidence to the contrary, and yet somehow not many will hear both sides. Before we go any further quoting or even looking at “the Acts of Philip,” will someone please stand up and show what kind of sillyness the gnostic works are? To put them on par with orthodox writings is far short of qualified intellectual processes.

    As a Christian of 29 years, I have so much to confirm my faith that is not negated by some cable TV special which is no more scientific than Erich Von Daniken’s “Chariots of the gods.” It is based on so very much that Cameron and Jacobovici do not know even exists, but we Christians know why we believe.

    The testimonies of those who believe indicate the power and presence of the risen Son of God in their lives. The mere statistical impossibility of any man fulfilling the prophecies concerning the Christ other than Jesus of Nazareth are beyond suggesting, and all this predicted hundreds of years in advance. The transforming power of believing in Jesus speaks for itself. I do not have enough room here to tell how wonderful the guidance I receive by faith is, how sweet to experience forgiveness of sins or the great power that transformed my life. No little show about some ossuaries that “might” contradict that could ever make my evidence go away. No recitation of evil things people have done in Jesus’ name sullies what Jesus does. If they were really Christians, they wouldn’t have done those things, now would they??

    Basically I will stop here. An honest seeker/skeptic will consider all points, and the opposed will reload and shoot holes in any testimony because they want Christianity to not be true. Sure, Discovery channel had a few hours to put it forward, but really, everyone has their whole life to take in what God can show them. I welcome anyone talking about “the Tomb” as an evangelical opportunity.

    I know why the Martyrs died for their faith. It was not and never has been based upon any bit of “scientific” evidence. Just like that Gaither song we sing, “the world didn’t give it to me, and the world can’t take it away.”

  • Simcha. is a practicing Jew, and has good reason to discredit Christianity.
    He claims to know Archeology but when put to the test says he is only a reporter. How convenient. I would advise all Christians to block his Naked Arch. show. Let our viewing vote for our beilief in a fraud, SIMCHA.

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