Big media’s bully pulpit
The issue of religion in the public square is going to get more serious scrutiny in the coming weeks and months as the presidential election intensifies.
Which is why it’s important to have these discussions going on in cyberspace, across the airwaves and in print. I talked about this with Wendy Wiese on Relevant Radio yesterday (archived here) in a lively discussion of what the media are up to in their handling of matters of faith in the news, especially political news.
And I engaged in this analysis on MercatorNet about some of the latest controversy generated by the slick packaging and dramatic presentation of CNN’s recent series “God’s Warrior’s”.
These public debates are necessary. And the reason they’re now actual debates instead of one-way sermons and propaganda efforts is because big media don’t ‘own’ mass communications anymore. They control the largest outlets and the message they deliver, but the forum has grown wildly beyond their control in the blogosphere, online media outlets like MercatorNet and others, YouTube, talk radio, ipod-casting, etc… and the people have more of a voice now than ever.