Budget busting records

This is where it gets wonkish, even for the most informed and actively engaged citizens. Health care battles are over for now (fickle Congress), and last weeks’ jobs emphasis has just been displaced by the Obama budget proposal for fiscal 2011.

We can’t get our heads around these facts and numbers, especially since the usual suspects of big media present it in terms of political partisanship.

“President Obama’s proposed $3.8 trillion budget ran into immediate trouble in Congress on Monday among lawmakers who said it tried to do too much while cutting the deficit too little.

“The rapid response came as Obama sought to juggle his twin goals of creating jobs, which entails tax cuts and new spending, and cutting the deficit, which involves the opposite.”


In all the mind-numbing crush of media reports on something as crushing as the budget, good and wise analysis helps.

“In his “question time” exchange with Republican House members, Obama proved for anyone who might have forgotten that he’s whip-smart, unflappable, and glib; it’s the facts that are his undoing.”

That last line will be the lasting one.

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