Bureaucratic bullies get pushback
First, get power. Then, consolidate it. Next, break promises to the people who helped you get power that you would still recognize their autonomy on important issues. Don’t allow debate, shut down opposition. Exert control.
Sound familiar? Depending on where in the world you’re reading this, chances are ‘yes’. But this particular story is out of Europe.
“New resolution adopted by the European Parliament raises concern and astonishment”
“In an earlier post, we have reported on the European Parliament’s attempt (and failure) to provide the controversial EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) with a role in assessing the conformity with EU Legislation of laws adopted by Member States. This lead to the adoption of a Resolution, by the parliament of the Member State concerned, in which the EP’s actions were called illegal, and to a letter in which the FRA itself had to acknowledge that such task would fall outside its competence.
“Not discouraged by this setback, the EP has proceeded to a new attempt to upgrade the institutional role of the FRA. This attempt takes the form of a (legally non-binding) “Resolution on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council – An area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen…”
Packaged to sound really good, no question. But packaged to market new forms of interference into the lives of those citizens.
“Why is the EP calling for such closer involvement of the Agency? As it seems, the liberal-left-green-communist majority in the EP considers the “experts” working for the Agency to be close allies when it comes to advocating and/or enforcing radical social policies (such as legalizing abortion, or promoting same-sex “marriage”, or undermining the traditional concepts of marriage and family). The Agency has now existed for less than two years, but the work it has accomplished in this short time already give a clear idea about its radical agenda.”
Good investigative reporting here. We’d best be listening to this whistle blowing, because this kind of usurpation of power is happening under radar, and beyond more than a few borders.
“In other words: if the FRA (and indirectly FRALEX) were to be involved in legislative procedures in the way suggested by the EP, an important part of the European Union’s legislative powers would de facto be outsourced and privatized. These powers would be handed over to individuals who, widely unknown to the public, have neither stood any democratic elections nor been selected by their national authorities, and who have already shown in the past their ambition to promote a highly controversial social policy agenda through what they present as “legal expertise”.”
Sound familiar, America?
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Happens more in here in Africa, than either, wow, Europe, that was the surprise there!