But don’t let facts get in the way
We have lost the art of the argument in politics and the media. But that’s not news. In fact, it’s getting old. So old, that not many folks these days even recognize a myth when it’s re-hashed – yet again (intentionally redundant) – to argue for a political agenda.
So thank goodness for Bill Donohue and the Catholic League. He’ll join a good debate any day, but the other party had better read up on the truth of whatever matter Donohue challenges. Senator Tom Harkin didn’t. So he looked as foolish as other Catholic bashers when he tossed insults at the President based on nothing more than a visceral reaction to the stem cell veto, and threw the Pope and Church history in for added weight.
Trouble is, the weight the Church and the Pope carry is in the truth. And that was lacking from Sen Harkin’s assault. So Donohue set the record straight.
Politics has been a game of ‘gotcha’ for a long time now. Increasingly, those playing the game are the ones getting caught.