Calling politicians to responsible leadership
That should be a given. Especially for those leaders who publicly acknowledge their faith. But Fargo Bishop Samuel Aquila was prompted to write this letter because….well…it’s not a given, and it’s causing some confusion and some scandal.
“We cannot leave God at the door when we walk into the legislature,†the bishop reminds Catholic politicians, “but rather we must allow the truth of God and the truth of the dignity of the human person to guide us in every decision we make. With each law or bill we consider, we must be, first, a people who recognize that there is the inherent dignity of human life that is bestowed by God and that can never be violated.â€
He continues, “Once we begin to be the ones who determine what is good or what is evil, once we begin to be the ones who determine which human person has dignity and which one doesn’t, we will see…what happens to a society.†Bishop Aquila refers to the movie “Blood Diamond,†saying, “In that society the lust for power, the lust for money, the lust for control overtakes and guides the human heart, with the result that violence and murder govern the society.â€
Remember, every decision, every vote on every bill and piece of legislation proceeds from some system of values. Lawmakers and judges, members of the media and political organizations — everyone — believes in something, and acts accordingly. Aquila is exercising his teaching authority to remind everyone that whatever values drive the leaders will drive their society, even if it’s over the cliff.