Catholics for Obama take the abortion issue seriously, but…

They say it’s just one of many important issues. And they’re trying to convince more Catholics to join Obama’s campaign because “he best reflects Catholic teachings in his platform.”


Somebody doesn’t know their Catholic teachings.

Known as 10,000 Catholics For Obama, the group was launched early in July following the rise of a “Catholics for Obama United” Facebook group that now has over 800 members. The group does not have 10,000 members, but aspires to organize that many and more. A prominent theme of the group’s Web site has been the idea that Catholic voters should really not pay attention to Mr. Obama’s strong pro-abortion platform.

“In our experience, there is a tendency of some Catholics to turn presidential elections into a single issue referendum on abortion,” the group said on its Web site. “Indeed, abortion is a grave moral issue of monumental importance, but we believe it cannot be separated from a holistic approach in which every human life is respected and dignified.

Right. Abortion cannot be separated from the understanding that every human life is respected and dignified.

Sooo……this holistic approach starts from a tortured logic that redefines the newly created member of the species homo sapiens as something other than human life?

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  • Some say that a political approach to ending abortion will not work. And in a way it is true since it is important to go into the inner cities and teach young woman and men about the evils abortion. But the abortion talk is frustrating, so we try to end abortion by trying one way but instead I believe abortion will end when we put an effort in all the ways to stop abortion. The political sphere is one of importance because so many look to government for answers sometimes answers of right and wrong. What we are showing them now is that abortion is not murder and is a womans choice. What a bad example we are setting and allowing our children to die. Some will say that the baby does not yet have a soul when so little in the womb but does the baby not atleast have the RIGHT to a soul? No matter what the time is after conception or when the baby does get a soul the fact is that the baby still has a right to life. Right now The children in the wombs rights are being taken away and there is no easy way to stop this. God Bless You and may the Virgin Mary, mother of all, pray for us!

    This site does have some interesting points – God Bless

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