Chicago’s Cardinal marks an anniversary

Cardinal Francis George is celebrating 10 years as the leader of Chicago’s Catholics, and it took about that long for some folks to get to know him well enough to celebrate his leadership. It’s interesting to see the press coverage, and some of the comments in them.

Like this Chicago Tribune article:

When Cardinal Francis George stepped into his role as leader of the Chicago archdiocese in May 1997, his flock was still mourning the beloved Joseph Bernardin. The new archbishop realized he was facing a difficult transition and introduced himself humbly: “I am Francis, your neighbor.”

Still, priests and members of the Roman Catholic community wondered exactly how this scholarly man would speak to their hearts and minister to their spiritual lives.

There was wariness about the new person, the new guy on the block,” said Rev. Donald Senior, president of the Catholic Theological Union and a close associate of the cardinal. “I think a lot of it was difference of style, different perspectives, different way of responding.

“But adjusting in style is a two-way street. And now, there’s a lot of respect and appreciation and esteem for the cardinal.”

Like I said, it has taken 10 years, and a lot of bumps in the road to navigate.

In 10 years as archbishop, George has shepherded the archdiocese through painful school closings and shameful sexual abuse scandals. He denounced racism as a sin and marched for immigrant rights. More recently, he waged a battle with bladder cancer.

In guiding the church and tending to his own struggles, the cardinal was transformed in the eyes of many observers from obstinate outsider to faithful pastor of Chicago’s church. Priests and others who initially viewed George as cold and excessively critical now say they see him as personable and compassionate.

Interesting reporting here. What about those priests and others who initially welcomed him with relief as a faithful shepherd who would uphold the teachings and traditions of the Church?

The cardinal, 70, remains committed to a strictly orthodox interpretation of church teachings, views that still clash with many veteran pastors.

This implies that veteran pastors know better, and don’t appreciate orthodoxy in church teachings.

Yet several priests said George’s public shame and self-condemnation after revelations of alleged abuse by Rev. Daniel McCormack helped humanize the cardinal. His cancer diagnosis later last year also displayed the cardinal’s vulnerability, spirituality and courage in the face of death.

No doubt about that. But it’s disconcerting that it took public shame and “self-condemnation” for these “several priests” to see the cardinal’s human side. That might say as much about them as it does about him.

“That period of time was when a lot of priests went through a significant shift in their attitude toward him. There was a deepening of respect,” said Rev. William Tkachuk, pastor of Church of the Holy Spirit in Schaumburg.

“I think it was a very transforming experience for him,” Tkachuk said. “But there was also from both sides a feeling that we really do basically like each other. We really do basically work together. We really do trust each other.”

Well that’s good to hear, that our presbyterate basically like each other.

Meanwhile, George’s influence in the world church has soared.

I’m glad to see this point finally made. It’s been true for some time now.

He is now seen as the leading American voice in Rome, mainly because of his role in mediating negotiations between U.S. bishops and the Vatican in 2002 that led to a national policy of zero tolerance on sexual abuse. After the death of Pope John Paul II, George was key in explaining to the public why Pope Benedict XVI had been selected to lead the church.

“Cardinal George is now seen as the intellectual leader of the American hierarchy and one of the most respected members of the College of Cardinals,” said George Weigel, a leading Catholic theologian.

He was chosen by Pope John Paul II several years ago to give the pope’s private Lenten retreat. He has served pretty well under the radar of the national media, but meanwhile has delivered some fascinating addresses on the changing global relations of people from nation-states to ‘communities on continents in conversation.’ He has a great mind and a lot of sense.

We wish him a blessed anniversary, and the grace to serve for many more.

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  • Amen — and well said 🙂

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