Christmas cards are about Christmas, right?

Not if they’re supposed to be sanitized into general ‘holiday’ cards so as not to offend sensibilities.

Barbara Walters received a Christmas card from the White House, and she is offended. Because it contains a Scripture passage.

On Thursday’s episode of ABC’s The View, Walters expressed dismay that President and Mrs. Bush would send out greetings containing Scripture…

“First of all, let me show you the cover of the White House, which is nice and bland…So that’s pleasant enough.

Apparently, bland is pleasant to Ms. Walters. But it didn’t stay bland when she opened it.

This is what interested me, that it is a religious Christmas card. 

She’s been doing work in the media for how long now? And it “interested” her that this Christmas card was religious? 

 Usually in the past when I have received a Christmas card, it’s been ‘happy holiday’s’ and so on- And this says:

“‘You alone are the Lord.  You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them.  You gave life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.’ 

“That’s from Nehemiah in the Old Testament.

And Christmas is about….what? The event of the birth of Christ.

Walters showed her co-hosts a Christmas card from Elton John and his partner David Furnish that had angels on the cover.  She didn’t have similar concerns over the religious imagery as she did about the Scripture printed in the White House card.

I wonder if she received one of Planned Parenthood’s cards this year…

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