Clinton wins. Therefore….what?

Ever since the returns finally came in from Lake County, Indiana in last week’s primary, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy was considered effectively and finally over. So does it mean anything that she walloped Barack Obama in West Virginia Tuesday?

It was expected to be a big win for her, and it was.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton coasted to a large victory in West Virginia on Tuesday, handing Barack Obama one of his worst defeats of the campaign yet scarcely slowing his march toward the Democratic presidential nomination.

So….what did it mean? Everyone is trying to figure out why Clinton is still in the race and how long she’ll stay. There’s analysis all over the place.

If a tree falls in the forest when everybody expects it to fall, does it make a sound?…

The press is unimpressed. This may be the first time in election history in which the press has withdrawn from a race before the candidate.

The speculation will continue ad nauseum.

In her victory speech Tuesday evening in West Virginia, Clinton said she wants to send a message “to everyone who’s still making up their mind.”

I am in this race because I believe I’m the strongest candidate.

Does it have to be more complicated than that?

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