Clintons: How not to find your base
With Sen. Hillary Clinton 0 for 8 in recent primaries and lagging behind Sen. Obama in so many polls, experts have predicted she and former president Bill Clinton would be adjusting strategy and trying new tactics.
They’re obviously still searching for one that works.
There was this confrontation in Ohio with Bill Clinton and a heckler.
Then there was this reaction to pro-life students at the Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Agitated after being greeted by over a hundred pro-life students at a rally in Steubenville tonight, former U.S. President Bill Clinton lost his temper yet again after losing his cool at an Obama supporter in Canton, Ohio. This time, Clinton lashed out during his speech at the pro-life students:
“I gave you the answer. We disagree with you,” Clinton said. “You wanna criminalize women and their doctors and we disagree. I reduced abortion. Tell the truth, tell the truth, If you were really pro-life, if you were really pro-life, you would want to put every doctor and every mother as an accessory to murder in prison.
No, that’s not true, and it’s a tactic already shown to be disingenuous.
Then, Hillary Clinton held a rally in De Pere, Wisconsin, at a Catholic college.
Clinton appeared earlier in the week at St. Mary’s University, a Catholic institution in San Antonio, Texas, and her appearance was severely criticized by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of San Antonio. Archbishop Gomez said, “It is clear that the records of Senator Clinton and some of the other candidates for president on important life issues are not consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church.”
Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, said, “It is outrageous that another Catholic college would host a strongly pro-abortion candidate’s bid for political support.
At least the focus is on the issues, for a change.