
The movie with that title (an Oscar winner a few years ago) was a raw but fascinating story of the interweaving lives of multiple characters who didn’t know each other but, as they intersected, revealed a deeper cultural picture of discrimination, pride, power, fear and anger, and the human spirit. The title came from a reflective moment in the opening when a character said, at the scene of an accident, something about people living such fast paced and isolated lives that they only touch other people by crashing into them.

That came to mind when I received a link to this news item from several different people about the Montana plane crash this week. It was all over the news that a private plane crashed into a cemetary in Montana killing seven children and seven adults.

But what the news sources fail to mention is that the Catholic Holy Cross Cemetery owned by Resurrection Cemetery Association in Butte – contains a memorial for local residents to pray the rosary, at the ‘Tomb of the Unborn’. This memorial, located a short distance west of the church, was erected as a dedication to all babies who have died because of abortion.

What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim’s memorial, is the family of Irving ‘Bud’ Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation.

Family Planning Associates was purchased four years ago by Irving Moore “Bud” Feldkamp III, owner of Allcare and Hospitality Dental Associates and CEO of Glen Helen Raceway Park in San Bernardino. The 17 California Family Planning clinics perform more abortions in the state than any other abortion provider – Planned Parenthood included – and they perform abortions through the first five months of pregnancy.

Feldkamp is not an abortionist himself, but has profited considerably from it.

His business in the abortion industry was what enabled him to afford the private plane that was carrying his family to their week-long vacation at The Yellowstone Club, a millionaires-only ski resort.

The plane went down on Sunday, killing two of Feldkamp’s daughters, two sons-in-law and five grandchildren along with the pilot and four family friends.

The latest email I received on this was from a young journalist friend who said she was moved to pray for his change of heart on the sanctity and dignity of life. Meg also said…

It reminds me of a speaker I heard in high school, who was a former abortionist. He talked about how the sudden death of his young son brought him to realize the murders he was performing every day. He is now obviously a pro-life doctor, speaker, and advocate.

Pray for the crash victims, all victims of violent death, and for Bud Feldkamp.

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  • Thank you Sheila, for this post here. Meg alerted me to this as well, what an intriguing turn of events. We must continue to pray for these victims as well as the many unborn victims that pass every day… Thank you for your great work, you never cease to inspire and inform… can’t thank you enough.

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