Damage control
Crisis averted in Louisiana, though Gustav is still hitting Mississippi.
News is still breaking out all over about Republican VP pick Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter being five months pregnant. Detractors are shameful in exploiting the news for its smear value. GOP and other sympathizers are quickly responding to both the news and the smears.
Palin has a VERY strong following among social conservatives who are nearly certain to give her the benefit of the doubt in this situation. She is a known commodity in social conservative circles and is regarded as “one of them” — a fact that should lessen any criticism from the right.
Democrats must be VERY careful not to take a false step here. Some Republicans have already insisted that the Obama campaign is behind the rumor-mongering about Sarah, Bristol and Trig — although in our experience the campaign has not pushed the story AT ALL, in fact they have been encouraging reporters to focus on the issues of difference between the two candidates rather than personal stories. Any sense that Democrats are pushing this idea will almost certainly turn both Sarah and Bristol Palin into sympathetic figures — and that spells trouble for her detractors.
Sen. Obama told the press today that he wants to make very clear his belief that the family members of candidates should be off limits in a campaign, espeically their children. He said this news should in no way enter into the political campaign, nor should it reflect on Sarah Palin’s ability to govern as either a governor or a vice-president.
Right. Good. True. Let’s see if it holds as well as the Louisiana levees did today.