Day 13 of 40

The national, unprecedented 40 Days for Life vigil is near the end of its second week. Some inspiring stories are coming in from different parts of the country, accounts of what people are doing to take part, and the distance they’ll go to for this cause.

But it also shows the lengths the abortion industry will go to as a reaction to this prayer vigil….which is an odd concept (fighting a prayer vigil). 

Planned Parenthood has launched a counter-campaign by releasing a flurry of press statements loaded with disinformation about pro-lifers.

The press release falsely insinuates that 40 Days for Life participants are threatening, harassing, and potentially violent people, even though this effort has been 100% peaceful and prayerful.

Then the abortion business began promoting its “Pledge a Protester” campaign in facilities around the country.

Now many Planned Parenthood offices are scheduling “counter demonstrations” against 40 Days for Life, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to rally support for their abortion business.

I got a call late last night from one local 40 Days for Life leader who said that in the last 15 years, Planned Parenthood has NEVER held a counter protest against pro-life efforts in their area, but now the abortion group is scrambling to put on a protest against the 40 Days for Life efforts in just two days.

Gandhi once said about standing up against injustice:  “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Great quote. The pro-life movement is certainly in that third stage at this point.

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