Day of determination

The results of the elections on this day will not reflect whether the abortion/embryonic research/cloning/homosexual marriage movement has more resolve and support than the pro-life movement. If that group and their agenda win in any or all of their efforts, it will reveal how powerfully driven their message has been by astronomical funding (especially in Missouri), celebrity endorsement and — most importantly — a complicit media partnering in carrying the message to the masses.

In race after race, abundant examples prove that negative campaigning works. We have a soundbite mentality, and a short attention span. We like our message catchy, punchy, and it helps if it grabs the emotions. That’s why boldface lies can fill catchy ads and people will be gripped by them. When they’re repeated enough and forcefully enough, people believe them and their thinking is formed by this information, false though it is.

Last night, Fox News‘ Bill O’Reilly had a really heinous example of this on the Factor in what abortionist George Tiller is doing in Kansas.

During a Friday night broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor,” the conservative host said a “source inside” told the show that Tiller performs late-term abortions when a patient is depressed, which O’Reilly deemed “executing babies.”

O’Reilly also said his show has evidence that Tiller’s clinic and another unnamed clinic have broken Kansas law by failing to report potential rapes with victims ages 10 to 15.

Tiller has long been known as a regular practitioner of the heinous practice of infanticide known as partial birth abortion, and advertises the procedure on his website. Why is this an important issue now, in these elections?

Because Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline is investigting Tiller right now, and…

Kline, an abortion opponent and Republican in a tight race with Democrat Paul Morrison, was interviewed by O’Reilly during the segment.

So Tiller has taken legal action against O’Reilly over the privacy of medical records.

Kline, one of the nation’s foremost abortion opponents, has said the targets of his investigation are rapists, sex offenders with child victims, and doctors involved in illegal abortions. Those could include doctors performing illegal late-term abortions or those failing to report abuse of a child.

Doctors like Tiller, maybe. And he may have been getting away with it under public and even legal radar, until now.

“Now we all know that the records show what Operation Rescue has said all along, that Tiller has been doing illegal abortions on viable babies that should have been protected by the law,” said Troy Newman, Operation Rescue president.

He said Kline’s opponent in (the) election, Paul Morrison, “promised to drop the investigations of Tiller, who has dumped thousands of dollars into a stealth campaign against Kline through third part organizations.”

Newman suggested the compromised position in which the circumstances would put Morrison suggests he should withdraw from the election.

He also said the Wichita Eagle and Kansas City Star owe Kline “a huge apology for attacking him for simply trying to uphold the laws protecting viable babies and innocent young girls from predators.”

When we get our information from the major media, we can be grossly misinformed, or at best we are not completely informed. Elections are swayed by their influence.

Watch South Dakota and Missouri in particular as examples of this. There are huge issues at stake in California, and Oregon, too. We have plenty of time to assess what happened after today. While there’s still time, make sure everyone you know in those states are fully informed of the truth about the life issues that will be determined there, one way or the other.

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