Deconstructing the Girl Scouts
The Boy Scouts seem to be doing fine, if left to their time-honored traditions and undisturbed by activist lawsuits against their established principles and the right to hold them. But it’s a different story altogethe with the Girl Scouts.
The line has been crossed between teaching their longtime traditions and age-appropriate training in life skills in the Girl Scouts. Now, ‘life skills’ has fallen under the ’empowerment’ banner, and it’s been stretched to include sexual education and reproductive health.
Go back just a year to the UN meeting that brought this all to light. The first warning was that no adults were welcome at this week-long gathering, though Planned Parenthood was (says something, right there).
The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides hosted a no-adults-welcome panel at the United Nations this week where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute a brochure entitled “Healthy, Happy and Hot.” The event was part of the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)…
This is not a parody. It’s real.
The brochure also tells students that national laws requiring HIV-positive people to reveal their status to their partner(s) “violate the rights of people living with HIV” and calls for advocacy to “change laws that violate your rights.”
This is mind-boggling. And that’s only a part of the brochure I’m willing to mention here. One of the Moms had to sleuth around the ‘no-adults’ gathering during a break to find out what the girls were being were being indoctrinated with in pep rallies and propaganda materials.
Then, this week, along comes this.
“Graphic sex education for youth is the new battleground at the UN, as evidenced by side events during the past week at the Commission on the Status of Women. The theme of this year’s CSW is the ‘access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology.’ While delegates are busy negotiating resolutions and outcome documents, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN organizations campaign for the installation of socially radical curriculums in Africa and America alike.
Remarkably, National Education Association representative Diane Schneider delivered salvos against those audacious enough to believe in traditional values and fundamental personal development and integration. Dirstorted language, tortured logic and all.
“Comprehensive sex education is ‘the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,’ Schneider proclaimed, ‘and we must make these issues a part of every middle- and high-school student’s agenda.’ ‘Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,’ she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality ‘are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.’”
That doesn’t even qualify as a ‘nice try’ to sell an agenda. Because it isn’t. Try debating that with someone as fervently committed to the merits of religion and family.