Defending marriage
Traditional marriage is under attack on multiple continents by the secular orthodoxy. That’s the term Princeton Professor Robert George aptly applies to those who have abandoned the Judeo-Christian worldview “in favor of the ‘isms’ of contemporary American life–feminism, multiculturalism, gay liberationism, lifestyle liberalism” in his book “The Clash of Orthodoxies.” The clash is not between faith and reason, George is quick to point out, and he makes the entire, thick book an argument for the rational superiority of Christian moral teaching over secular moral beliefs.
There’s a debate going on right now in a forum at between writer and author Mary Jo Anderson and David Link, writer for the Independent Gay Forum. The ground rule of this debate is that religious argument is off limits. Mary Jo appeals must base her case on the natural law, science, tradition and reason. David Link tries to do the same for gay marriage.
You can get inside this debate forum and make your own case for marriage, which is just what these issues need — an informed and engaged society.