Defense of life, a controversial issue
Imagine how we got to this point. In one generation, we’ve gone from abortion being unthinkable to the majority of civilized society, to the defense of human life being a controversial issue. I don’t know about you, but when I just let an idea sink in, the clarity and simplicity of its truth stands out.
So we have the Dominican Republic now reminding us that the basic defense of human is the bottom line of all human rights.
“The new Constitution of the Dominican Republic guarantees the right to life from the moment of conception until natural death. The press department of the Bishops’ Conference of the Dominican Republic has informed Agenzia Fides that “after a long battle with pro-abortion groups and against the international interests lobbying for the government to ensure that the new Constitution approved the right to kill (abortion), life has triumphed.”
“The Catholic Church”, continues the text, “had become the opposition and this has been criticized and has been the subject of sarcasm, but in the end God has permitted that our Constitution respect life from conception until natural death.”
The subject of sarcasm? For defending human life? Sometimes it seems like we live in an alternate universe these days, where life is subject to utilitarian values and…..way too much like a blend of ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’.
“Following a debate which lasted about seven months in Parliament (which later became the National Assembly of Revision), and the new Constitution of the Dominican Republic has been approved and it supports and “defends life from conception until natural death.” After the official announcement by the President of the Assembly, Reinaldo Pared Perez, the President of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernández, said that the new Constitution is “the Constitution of the XXI Century.”
Bravo, Dominican Republic, for showing the big, powerful, developed world how to govern with sanity and reason. And for reminding us what we can’t not know….but somehow forgot.