Defining dignity down
The stories are coming in more frequently these days about the latest outrage against humanity in the form of ending life deemed unworthy to live. As it any of us has the right to decide who should live.
When we cease to be outraged by these incidents, we have lost. Â
Here’s a test case. See how you react.
A young man was catastrophically injured by a drug overdose. For years his parents kept vigil, and then decided to transfer him to the hospice in which Terri Schiavo died, which removed his feeding tube. But he wasn’t unconscious.
It’s a heart wrenching story, hard to read and almost impossible to believe. But it’s getting to be familiar, which is the point of media compliance in mainstreaming euthanasia.
Wesley Smith nails it:
This is the truth: Once we decided that people who are diagnosed as persistently unconscious could have sustenance denied based on quality of life, then we stripped all profoundly cognitively disabled people from moral equality. The wall was breached allowing utilitarian bioethical values to come pouring in. Now, virtually anyone who needs a feeding tube and can’t make their own decisions–conscious or not–can and are being denied food and water. What a testimony about the state of the times in which we live.