Democrats are worried

Because Democrats are fighting. And it looks to continue for a long time.

Back from a brief Caribbean vacation, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., reflected wearily today on how he’s been running for president since February 2007.

“Since that time, babies have been born and are walking and talking, since I started this race,” Obama joked in in Greensboro, N.C., this afternoon. “I know it seems like it’s been long for you, imagine how it feels for me.”

Imagine how it feels for those of us in Illinois who want him to serve in the Senate, where he has spent relatively little time serving since being elected.

And by the way, a lot of babies haven’t been born, or were born alive but allowed to die, because of his protection of abortion at all costs.

Back to the ABC News article…

The notion that the current tough tone could hurt the party against Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who has locked up the Republican nomination, is a real concern among top Democrats.

For good reason, as it’s turning out.

A new Gallup poll indicates that 28 percent of Clinton supporters say they would vote for McCain over Obama should she not get the nomination. But 19 percent of Obama supporters say they would go for McCain over Clinton.

Democratic officials are nervous and looking for silver linings.

“When they attack each other, and they do so in battleground states, these arguments are heard by voters and they may be remembered by them later on,” Democratic strategist Tad Devine said.

Or recalled by Republicans, no doubt. Which is the way of politics.

“But there’s also the fact that when you air these arguments early on, they become a little stale,” Devine said. “And they may, in fact, wither on the vine.”

Now that’s wishful thinking, and a little political spin.

Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, who has not backed either Clinton or Obama, said the risks for the party could be great.

“The nastiness is only going to get worse, and what these candidates are going to have to do over the summer is persuade superdelegates that the other person is not capable of being president,” Bredesen told ABC News. “And then you’ll turn around at the end of August and explain why that person should be president.”

That’s the most realistic assessment of the week.

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