Did anyone doubt he’d do it?
Let’s just say the pro-life world prayed President Obama would not expand embryonic stem cell research. Today, he did.
As promised during the campaign, President Obama has lifted federal restrictions on embryonic stem cell research put in place in 2001 by President Bush.
In announcing the policy change Monday morning, achieved by executive order, the president also signed a memorandum aimed at shielding the federal government’s involvement in science from political influence. The dual moves represented a sharp departure from the Bush years, when government employees – including the former Surgeon General – charged that politics was interfering with science in a range of areas, from stem cell research to climate change and reproductive health policy.
The policy moves, carried out Monday morning in an East Room signing ceremony, brought cheers from the scientific community and advocacy groups hoping for medical breakthroughs on a range of conditions.
It is bogus science to claim that human destructive embryonic stem cell research promises medical breakthroughs in cures when it has only proven to be unsuccessful and even threatening (sometimes producing tumors) while other, ethical stem cell progress has advanced with huge successes.
Like ‘reproductive health policy’ is a bogus coverup for spreading birth control and abortion and sex education that doesn’t focus on abstinence but on practicing safe sex.
Prof. Robert George predicted that, for all the issues on which Obama will have to disappoint his own base by drifting toward center by necessity, he will placate and reward his most liberal supporters on social moral issues.
There are two reasons for this: (1) politically, these are the only substantial issues on which Obama can afford to give the left everything it demands; and (2) his own views conform perfectly to the left-liberal orthodoxy on these matters.
He has reversed the Mexico City policy, named a pro-abortion Catholic governor to head Health & Human Services, and signed the embryonic stem cell research law, all of which will lead to even further destruction of human life than this country has already suffered.
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The President’s comments lead us to believe that all morality is political, and also that ‘politics’ (morality) should play no part in our decisions. Whether one believes (or not) that embryonic stem cell research will advance health, we should be very afraid of the new regime which does not believe that morality has any place in our exercise of government.