Discrimination is a bogus claim here

It’s another way to shut down a conversation to claim that social laws in effect in global civilization somehow discriminate against people who want to behave publicly in a way contrary to the law. That’s at the root of the same-sex marriage debate, the push for ‘gays in the military’, and so much other agitation to have behaviors sanctioned by law.

The European Union is pushing for member countries to go against their nations’ constitutions or traditional understandings of human relationships, and several countries are pushing back. Lithuania is the latest.

A touring truck hired by the European Union to spread a message of acceptance of homosexuality has been banned from public property in Lithuania for the second consecutive year…

The truck was scheduled to arrive at a public venue in Vilnius today, and move to Kaunas on Friday.  But the cities’ mayors refused to admit the truck, and so it will stay on the private grounds of a supermarket parking lot.  In May of 2007, the Lithuanian government had banned the trucks from entering the country entirely.

Here’s what they are…

Known as “anti-discrimination trucks,” the huge yellow vehicles have toured the EU each year since 2003 with the motto “For Diversity.  Against Discrimination.”  They attract passersby with “activities celebrating individuality and difference” in order that they might “explore discrimination and diversity issues.”

What creative marketing. Much of Europe isn’t buying it.

In February of this year Estonia, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the Czech Republic were listed in a memo that detailed those countries’ failings in living up to the EU’s definitions and directives for “discrimination” legislation.

Who’s defining and directing this stuff at “the EU”?

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