Disregard that miraculous baby

Miracles are exceptions to the norm or even the remotely possible, right? So why are pro-abortion activists scrambling to dismiss the “miracle” of baby Amillia as too remote a case to have any impact on the abortion debate?!

ABC’s World News led Tuesday night with an unusual spin, one favorable to conservatives: the survival of a baby born in Florida last October just 21 weeks and six days after conception, the least time ever spent in the womb by an infant who has survived.

Anchor Charles Gibson teased: “A tiny miracle that raises big questions in the debate over abortion.”

Setting up his top story, Gibson acknowledged the impact on the abortion debate: “The fact that she has survived and grown to more than four pounds, and is about to go home, is a miracle, yes, but a

Reporter Dan Harris soon outlined how “anti-abortion activists” are using her: “For her parents, Amillia’s story is a personal and emotional one. But for anti-abortion activists, Amillia is a national poster child. Today they promised to hold her up as an example in future debates over restricting abortion.”

“Anti-abortion activists”, “restricting abortion”…this is the language of the mainstream press. It’s a wonder that ABC gave this story the consideration they did.

Leading into a soundbite from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Harris noted that “only one state, North Carolina, explicitly prohibits aborting a fetus as the point at which Amillia was born.”

That fact, coupled with the images of this baby, make a powerful statement.

Harris, however, countered Perkins by stressing how “bio-ethicists we spoke with today argue that Amillia is a miracle baby, and that it’s unwise to change public policy based on miracles.”

So…disregard that little life and make it irrelevant? That’s what abortion activists have been doing all along. Only now it’s getting much more difficult, and the truth is getting much more obvious.

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  • But putting pictures of Geri Santoro’s nude, dead body on placards and posters isn’t “using” her. It’s “educating the public as to the dangers of illegal abortion.”

    Anything you do to promote abortion is “educational.” Anything you do to fight abortion is “exploitation.”

    Just making a clarification!

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