Do abortion supporters just look the other way, or what?
I’d love to hear a good and civil debate between pro-life and pro-abortion advocates with clear questions and direct answers. But short of that, an answer here and there would be good, to things like this.
A video of an abortion practitioner is making its way across the Internet featuring a November appearance by Alberto Hodari at Wayne State University in Michigan. The campus pro-abortion organization invited him to speak and Hodari tells them his status as an abortion practitioner gives him license to lie to women…Hodari also spoke about how little he washed between abortions because it chafed his hands, even though his doing so puts women’s health at risk.
But it gets worse.
Hodari was responsible for the abortion death of 15 year-old African-American teenager Tamia Russell.
Read her story. It’s horrible. And the abortion clinic was complicit in her gross neglect, starting with accepting a clearly fake ID because the young woman was still a minor. And continuing after the botched abortion.
Russell’s mother drove her daughter to the abortion facility the next day to finish the abortion, which was performed by Alberto Hodari. Upon her return home, she experienced severe bleeding — “so much so she soaked an entire mattress,” her family told
WomanCare told her family that such bleeding was “normal” following an abortion, and not to take her to the hospital.
Concerned for Russell, the family called paramedics who rushed her to Sinai-Grace Hospital. Russell died on the way to the Hospital.
These women are among the dirty little secrets of the abortion industry, while the major media and politicians – especially all the Democratic presidential candidates and one Republican - continue to protect it. Let’s hear a presidential debate on that.