Do something else and check in later….much later
Do you realize that all the hours of all the days the media are spending on calling and then analyzing the presidential races don’t matter one whit when it comes down to what’s happening and what’s going to happen? In fact, that’s more the case now than ever before (though they didn’t have a good track record in the Bush-Gore race of 2000 or the Bush-Kerry race of 2004).
I wonder how much money they’re pouring into all this. We see lots of anchors and reporters and analysts and party “strategists” sitting on the set of makeshift studios for different networks on location in whatever venue is currently hot, as in the current primary or the upcoming one(s). Or the presidential debate of the moment, as happened tonight on Fox and will soon (Jan. 21) on CNN. I think news people waste a lot of money. And then sanctimoniously talk about campaign finances and the economy.
These talking heads are talking too much this time, or so it seems. They’re analyzing with armies of pollsters armed with data and statistics and hair-splitting details about demographics and trends….while the people are proving them wrong.
I like this article because it refers to “pollster fatigue.”
This is talk about the talk, the second tier of commentary about the first tier of reporting. You may say ‘isn’t that what you’re doing here on this blog post?’ to which I’d say ‘yes, but I’m venting.’ Or…no, I’m on the third tier, expressing what the people are feeling, maybe.
Here’s one of a gazillion blog posts on the whole thing, but I like it for some of the comments afterward, starting with the first one:
Or you could save a lot of time and effort and do away with polls altogether. They serve no useful purpose other than to give the media pundits thousands of hours/pages of material to waste people’s time with.
And certainly this one:
I couldn’t agree more, just get rid of polling and let the people vote…there is such overkill with the news coverage and emphasis of polls, not to mention the nauseating phone calls soliciting even more info…maybe Obama could use this as his first change, since we haven;t heard about any of the others.
Good one. ‘Change’ the tactics.
How about….inspire us with nobility and goals for leadership. Somebody be magnanimous. Please.