Doctors refuse court order to kill
Refer to it by any other name, but the mandated removal of nutrition and hydration is intended to end a life.
We’ve been through this before. Now, at least doctors are refusing to let the Italian Terri Schiavo meet the same fate.
An Italian clinic that offered to help Eluana Englaro’s father take her life after he won the right from courts to euthanize her has backed down. The news follows the release of a letter signed by more than 700 Italian doctors and medical professionals who oppose ending her life prematurely.
This is a moral revolution. The civil rights movement gained power and achieved goals by non-violent resistance. Health care for the disabled and impaired in a culture of death is the new civil rights movement. If President Bush’s conscience protection ruling is overturned by the Obama administration, civil action by doctors like these – and by the conscientious health care community – will be necessary to protect weak and vulnerable patients….and every class of human life.