“Does anybody know what time it is?”

“Does anyone care?”

Wasn’t that a Chicago song, way back when? It came up in conversation today with my husband when we were on the way home from an outing and he said something about the dogs thinking it was an hour ahead, and how we need to adjust the schedule. I said we all think it’s an hour ahead! Though I added, last Spring we were moved up from the hour we were on, and so we had to convince ourselves that it was the new time, so now…..are we back to real time? Or, was that the real time? Which made me wonder aloud….what time is it really, and who determines that, and how do we know?!

That’s when he sort of (mockingly) sang that first line of that song. So, maybe this is one thing that is relative, except for all the appointments we need to keep.

These two times of the year when we change the time always mess me up. In addition to any trips to a far away time zone, when you have to adjust about 7 hours or so. But we adjust, and realize that time is actually…a gift.

Church teaching is that in heaven, there is no time…..that all time is one. But down here, we live by the clock. Mine is set right, but I’m not sure what time it really is. One thing I’ve learned is the less we think about it, the better. It is what it is. 

No matter what time it is.

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