Don’t do it!
President Obama is considering Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to head Health and Human Services.
For crying out loud, we have enough problems with Catholics in High Places who hold extremely liberal positions on abortion.
Sebelius, who’s been called “the national pro-choice poster girl”:
Vetoed a bill to strengthen restrictions on partial-birth abortions in 2007
Got that? Voted against restrictions on partial-birth abortions. Wants to allow what amounts to infanticide.
Vetoed other abortion limits in 2003, 2005 and 2006
So this is long-term, so to speak.
Recruited and funded a candidate to run against then Attorney General Phil Kline, who was prosecuting partial-birth abortionist George Tiller
George Tiller is one of the most notorious later term abortionists in the nation.
Is accused of laundering campaign contributions from Tiller to pro-abortion candidates
That’s disgusting. Period.
Is reported to have held a private party for Tiller and the staff of his abortion clinic at the governor’s mansion in 2007, at a time when he was under investigation by the Attorney General’s office
This is scandalous.
The governor, a Roman Catholic,
correction…..this appears to be a cultural Catholic. A Roman Catholic respects and adheres to the teachings of the Roman Pontiff, and the Magisterium. Which has been the consistent ethic of life……opposing abortion as the de facto ending of human life.
And Sebelius….
was rebuked by Kansas City, Kansas Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, who asked Sebelius not to take communion due to her “scandalous behavior that has misled people into dangerous behavior.”
Feder observed that none of this was mentioned in The Times story…
Because this is about choice.