Don’t say you’re going to sit out this election…
…when some of our citizens only wish they could vote.
“I voted for Barack Abooma!” bragged Davita Randall the other day. One should perhaps forgive the mispronunciation. After all, she and her brother Davin, also an “Abooma” enthusiast, are only in kindergarten.
No, they can’t actually vote, but the Randall twins of Elk Grove, Calif., are excited about this election nonetheless. As is first-grader Alex Taylor, who discussed the race animatedly with his mother all the way to their New York City polling station on Super Tuesday — only to see Mom vote another way.
“I voted for Hillary Clinton,” said their mother, Sandy Radnovich. “That wasn’t his candidate. But I told him, this is what America is all about: free choice.”
Democracy, the free exchange of ideas, liberty with responsibility. That’s what America is all about, and this election….contentious as it is on some places and even parties….is as representative of the republic as any one we’ve seen in our lifetimes.
For every adult who neglects to participate, we should put in a little person.
“I know kids even from moderate Republican households who are getting up early and handing out stickers for Obama,” Eyck said. “I think they see incredible charisma,” he explained. “And a man who speaks passionately, and seems authentic.”
Yet Eyck himself narrowly prefers Clinton. “Though my instinct tells me Obama is more electable and would unite the country more, my reason tells me that Clinton has stronger plans on a variety of issues, and that her experience would allow her to be a stronger president,” he said.
Who is Eyck? A 13-year old. Who blogs. And talks about reason.