Dossier on a global abortion movement

AsiaNews has devoted a very interesting web page dedicted to what has grown into a worldwide ‘moratorium on abortion’. Here’s the story of an Indian communist atheist who supports the moratorium.

Every year, 13 million abortions take place in India; at least 80 million women die from the operation; there is also the scourge of selective abortion, which has resulted in the elimination of at least 10 million female foetus’ in the last 20 years.  What’s more India has one of the most permissive law’s regarding abortion and still today abortion is advertised as a method of birth control and a means of guaranteeing greater economic development in families.

“It is ridiculous and absurd to suggest that abortion is a solution to hunger, in order to control population growth.  What’s more the concept  – typical of UN organisations – that overpopulation represents the greatest danger to the health of a nation has no basis at all in reality….. In reality the world should urgently look at socio-economic and political issues to eliminate hunger, poverty, misery among people”.

That’s right. Call the bluff of abortion activists who’ve long used those ridiculous and absurd arguments. Abortion as a solution to hunger? Yeah….abortion definitely takes away more mouths to feed. But it sure isn’t a solution.

For all of these reasons, Lenin Raghavarshi, atheist, communist, human rights activist, tells AsiaNews that he is in favour of the moratorium on abortion: “At the basis of all human rights is the right to live”.

To repeat, he is an atheist. An atheist who sees the right to life as the most funamental human right that anchors all other rights. This respose is echoed through the Caritas orgnization in Sri Lanka.

About 700 abortions are carried out every day in Sri Lanka for an annual total of 250,000. The country’s Caritas and other religious organisations are in the forefront of the fight against “this unacceptable massacre.” By means of different programmes and initiatives the former is trying to raise awareness among women with regards to abortion and alternative ways to prevent it.

Because the bottom line is information – informed choice, information about alternativew available through crisis pregnancy centers, awareness of solutions to unexpected pregnancies.

The Church in Korea wants to unite the world against abortion.

Korean Catholics  “welcome the international moratorium against the death penalty” which however “must be immediately followed, as a logical consequence, by another moratorium against abortion.  It is a fact, not an opinion, that human like begins at the very moment of conception: and it must be defended from that very instant”.

Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity are continuing Blessed Mother Teresa’s powerfully influential work to reach nation’s leaders with thie message that allowing unborn children to be killed was only the beginning of widespread violence, that the two follow logically.

The protection of life, from the moment of conception, was one of the Blessed main battles.  During the UN conference on population and development, held in Cairo in 1994, Mother Teresa denounced the use of the death penalty and abortion to the entire world.  “The only one who has the right to take life is the one who has created it.  Nobody else has hat right, not the mother, not the father, not the doctor, no agency, no conference, no government”. Sr. Nirmala recalls that for Mother Teresa abortion “is the worst evil and the greatest destroyer of peace, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”

It’s true that some of the most staunch peace activists against war are some of the very stauchenst supporters of abortion. It’s completely illogical.

The pro-life world is galvanizing right now, Americans coming off the recent March for Life in Washington and the West Coast March, both of which get bigger and more successful each year, mostly overrun by hunderds of thousands of young people. Though you didn’t hear it much (if at all) in the media, the grassroots have taken the alternative media into their hands this year more than ever before (eg. YouTube presidential debates, the Ron Paul presidential campaign) and getting out the message.

Here’s one. Here’s another.

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