Dr. King and the fullness of human rights
For all the talk in the civil rights and social justice movement, there’s an odd disconnect when it comes to the rights of all human life. Fortunately, some leaders get it, and challenge others to.
Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., says a new study released by Students for Life of America reinforces the call of black leaders to eliminate federal subsidies to Planned Parenthood. “It’s time to let freedom ring for the babies,†said Dr. King. “The Students for Life report on Planned Parenthood’s targeting of African Americans for abortion spells out why taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to that organization. The government should not be subsidizing racism, but that’s exactly what it’s doing through Planned Parenthood.†The study examines programs and incidents dating from Planned Parenthood’s founding through the most recent scandal of seven Planned Parenthood chapters’ willingness to accept donations for the exclusive purpose of aborting black babies.
It’s a wonder more civil rights leaders aren’t speaking out about black genocide. Alveda King always has.
“Defending human life is part of the civil rights struggle and I and my fellow pro-life African American leaders are not going away,†added Dr. King. We are uniting civil rights and moral rights to fulfill the dream of what my uncle called ‘the beloved community.’ America needs to know that black leaders do support life. We start where life begins, with the babies, and we will march on until abortion, racism, and all society’s ills bow to the truth that we are all one race.â€
What a stark contrast to this.