Dying to get an organ

Aggressive doctors have been re-defining death for years now for all sorts of purposes.

Especially to harvest organs.

Bernice Jones came to Rome last week to tell the world that doctors killed her son by removing his organs. “Brain death is not death” and “organ donation is very deceptive,” the bereaved mother told LifeSiteNews.com in an interview on Thursday.

It certainly is, but unnecessarily. Because it’s been happening under radar.

“Families are led to believe that their loved ones are dead,” Jones told LSN, “but in fact they are alive. You must be alive to be a vital organ donor.” Families, she said, are being deceived by doctors and hospital administrators, “by everyone who is involved in organ transplantation.” The declaration of brain death “is a deception, a violent deception, that your loved one is dead.”

Jones described what she characterized as a betrayal of principle by medical professionals at a hospital in their home state of Washington, whose priority she argued is no longer the care of the patient at hand but the procurement of organs for transplants. Although she declined to name the hospital, she said, “It happens at all hospitals.”

So be informed and prepared. Information is not only power, it could be life-saving protection for you or your loved ones.

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  • This is a great blog! Keep up the interesting and informative articles.

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