Embryonic stem cell arguments
This is all political and it’s about power and profit, this battle to legitimize and sponsor embryonic stem cell research. Emboldened by their majority power in Congress now, backers of ESCR are trying to force through federal funding of that life-destructive science. But the president has the final word, and it’s still “No.”
The White House confirmed on Tuesday that President Bush will veto a bill the Senate debated Tuesday that would force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. The administration said the president doesn’t want to make people pay for research that involves the destruction of human life.
“The bill would compel all American taxpayers to pay for research
that relies on the intentional destruction of human embryos for the derivation of stem cells,” it said.
“Destroying nascent human life for research raises serious ethical problems, and millions of Americans consider the practice immoral,” it added.In the statement LifeNews.com received, the White House said the president still believes that embryonic stem cell research crosses an important moral line and that better, ethical alternatives are available.
“The administration believes that research on alternative sources of stem cells is extremely promising and provides robust opportunities to advance science without compelling American taxpayers to participate in ongoing destruction of human embryos,” the statement said.
To repeat, there have been no successes with embryonic stem cell research, and they have caused tumors in some cases. But adult stem cells have provided successful therapies in dozens of cases so far.
Saying that the president “does not believe science and ethics need be at odds” the Bush administration indicated he supports an alternative measure sponsored by Republican Sens. Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Norm Coleman of Minnesota.
Their bill, S. 30, would encourage federal funding for research into new ways to obtain different kinds of stem cells, without harming human embryos in the process.
Coleman previously told Roll Call magazine that their bill “doesn’t cross the moral line†by funding embryonic stem cell research and would, instead, allow funding of adult stem cells and other alternatives.
Get to know the facts on this issue. Starting with the misleading language the media use to report these stories. When you hear anything about the promise or the hope of “stem cells”, see if they’re clarifying which ones. They’re usually not.