

“As the Synod on Africa gets underway at the Vatican, the following message from a Nigerian seminarian serves as a timely and striking wake-up call for apathetic European Catholics. It could also apply to Catholics anywhere where secularism and relativism has become widespread.

The message was posted yesterday on Europe4Christ, a German-based website founded by members of different Christian confessions in response to discrimination against Christians in Europe. The message forms part of its ‘Letters to Europe’ series.

With attitudes like those expressed in the message, it’s perhaps not surprising the faith is growing so fast on the African continent.

Here is the text of the message:

Why are you only a spectator?

Why don’t you get involved?

Why are you not proclaiming the truth?

An African Christian registers with horror the Anti-Christian climate in Europe and is astonished with what passivity European Christians accept that.”

Great and terrible simplicity in that.

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