First they noticed how messianic these rallies were getting
Now some of the media are having fun with it.
Some will laugh, recognizing the element of truth in all humor. Some will worry, recognizing….well, the truth in this humor.
And some will get really, really annoyed, because for all the charm and measured goodwill this candidate exudes in all his appearances, a lot of his supporters are surprisingly angry at anyone who is not a follower.
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My friend Christopher Blosser who ran the Cardinal Ratzinger fan club (no Pope Benedict Fan Club) is the person behind the “Is Barack Obama the Messiah” parody blog that is referenced in the article.
He hit on the perfect nerve and that blog has really taken off.
What I find strange is that with all he messiah references in the media concerning Barack, why is it that no media has ever asked him about this? He says he is a Christian and you would think a Christian would be extremely embarrassed about this and say so. St. John the Baptist certainly disliked this confusion and stated “He must increase, I must decrease.” It seems Barack has no scruples about this, but then again someone who supported infanticide certainly does not have much in the way of scruples in the first palce.